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Digital Heuristic Tools

Providing clinical decision support solutions to guide clinicians to best-practice while simultaneously reducing the cost of care.

About DigitalHeuristics

About Digital Heuristic Tools


     /ho o’r is ti k/
     From the Greek for “discover”

     Noun: an approach to solving problems      

     that employs practical and deliberate rules

     to efficiently find solutions

Our software solutions bring to healthcare the next generation of clinical decision support. Built by clinicians, our software is intuitive to use and simple to understand. Our objective is to assist, not replace clinical judgment.

Combining nuance, art, and flexibility, we go beyond the cold logic of conventional algorithm-based decision support. By placing a premium on pragmatism and simplicity while recognizing the complexity of clinical problems, our tools leave room for judgment and clinical context.


Our Platform

High-quality, consistent preoperative care.
The Pre-Op Tool




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